Prices are Including Import And Export Tax .
These prices are not a fixed prices. You can get better prices when you contact us, there are always special offers for weights over thirty kilos.
Delivery times vary based on the date we receive your shipment.
We have Special offer on economic road freight, weights 30 kg and above to Germany 60 euros. The rest of the European Union are 85 euros.

KG1. Region2. Region3. Region4. Region5. Region6. Region
1€ 13.00€ 16.00€ 21.00€ 24.00€ 28.00€ 35.00
2€ 16.00€ 19.00€ 24.00€ 26.00€ 31.00€ 37.00
3€ 20.00€ 24.00€ 27.00€ 29.00€ 34.00€ 42.00
4€ 24.00€ 29.00€ 30.00€ 31.00€ 37.00€ 48.00
5€ 28.00€ 33.00€ 34.00€ 35.00€ 41.00€ 54.00
6€ 32.00€ 36.00€ 38.00€ 39.00€ 45.00€ 58.00
7€ 35.00€ 40.00€ 41.00€ 42.00€ 47.00€ 60.00
8€ 38.00€ 44.00€ 45.00€ 46.00€ 50.00€ 63.00
9€ 42.00€ 48.00€ 49.00€ 50.00€ 54.00€ 67.00
10€ 46.00€ 52.00€ 53.00€ 54.00€ 58.00€ 70.00
11€ 48.00€ 53.00€ 54.00€ 56.00€ 60.00€ 72.00
12€ 51.00€ 56.00€ 57.00€ 59.00€ 63.00€ 76.00
13€ 56.00€ 59.00€ 61.00€ 63.00€ 67.00€ 79.00
14€ 60.00€ 63.00€ 65.00€ 67.00€ 71.00€ 80.00
15€ 63.00€ 65.00€ 68.00€ 70.00€ 74.00€ 83.00
16€ 66.00.€ 68.00€ 72.00€ 74.00€ 78.00€ 86.00
17€ 68.00€ 70.00€ 76.00€ 79.00€ 83.00€ 89.00
18€ 70.00€ 72.00€ 80.00€ 83.00€ 87.00€ 93.00
19€ 71.00€ 73.00€ 83.00€ 86.00€ 90.00€ 97.00
20€ 74.00€ 77.00€ 86.00€ 89.00€ 93.00€ 103.00
21€ 76.00€ 80.00€ 89.00€ 92.00€ 96.00€ 106.00
22€ 79.00€ 83.00€ 92.00€ 95.00€ 99.00€ 110.00
23€ 81.00€ 85.00€ 93.00€ 96.00€ 100.00€ 114.00
24€ 84.00€ 88.00€ 94.00€ 97.00€ 102.00€ 120.00
25€ 88.00€ 91.00€ 98.00€ 101.00€ 104.00€ 125.00
26€ 90.00€ 93.00€ 100.00€ 103.00€ 106.00€ 127.00
27€ 91.00€ 94.00€ 101.00€ 104.00€ 107.00€ 130.00
28€ 93.00€ 96.00€ 103.00€ 106.00€ 109.00€ 132.00
29€ 95.00€ 98.00€ 105.00€ 108.00€ 111.00€ 135.00
30€ 97.00€ 100.00€ 107.00€ 110.00€ 113.00€ 140.00
40€ 120.00€ 130.00€ 145.00€ 150.00€ 155.00€ 180.00

Austria. Belgium. Luxembourg

Denmark .Hollanda

Czech Republic . Italy.




Lithuania.  Monaco .Poland

San Marino. İrlanda

Portogal . Finland 

Croatia. Estonia. Hungary

Slovakia . Slovenia

Lithuania . Romania

Latvia . Bulgaria

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